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Haematology summary 18


Chapter 18 in haematology (chroinc lymphoid leukaemias)summary

-Chronic lymphocytic leukaemiaes are characterized by the accumulation of mature B or T lymphocytes in the blood.

-Individual subtypes are distinguished on the basis of morphology,immunophenotype and cytogenetics.

-Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL,B cell) represents 90% of cases and has a peak incidece between 60 and 80 years of age .There is genetic predisposition to development of the disease.

-Most cases are indenified when a routine blood test is performed the patient can develope enlarged lymph nodes ,splenomegaly and hepatomegaly.

-Immunosuppression is asignificant problem because of hypogammaglobuilaemia and cellular immune dysfunction.

-Anaemia may also develop because of autoimmune haemolysis and bone marrow in filtration.

-Diagnosis is usually performed by immuophenotypic analysis of peripheral blood which reveals aclonal population of CD5+,CD23+ B cells.

-The best guide to prognosis is the stage of the disease. In addition , tumours that have acuired somatic mutations in the immunoglobulin genes have a relatively good prognosis.

-Treatment is usually given only when clinical sympotoms start to devlope.fludarabine,cyclophosphamide and anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody usually establish disease remission but are not curative.

-Less common subtype of chronic lymphiod leukaemias include prolymphocytic leukaemia, hairy cell leukaemia and T-cell disorders.


From book: Essentail Haematology A.V.HOFFBRAND,P.A.H.MOSS.6EDITION


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